Wednesday, September 14, 2011

16. Offering of the heart I

This was the September 2011 Talk for the Saint John Community on the offering of the heart, first part. We will be switching our meeting days to Thursdays (2nd and 4th of the month). Our next meeting will be on September 29th, 7:00 p.m., location TBA.

On another note, the Freedom in Christ retreat was moved to January 2012. Fr. Ivan Pertine, General Director of the SSJ will preach those, on Jan 21-22 for men and on Jan 28-29 for women.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

15. Offering of the mouth

After the first PDX Fragua, we resumed our meetings for the Saint John Community / Academy. We are preparing to renew the Commitment with Jesus the Master in the Freedom in Christ retreat (October 22 - 23, 2011). SAVE THE DATE!

Here is the link to the talk for the offering of the mouth, given by Fr. Lucas on August 9th, 2011. We ran out of memory towards the end (sorry!). You'll get the idea though. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday August 23rd, 6:30 p.m. at the Wojnar's.