Saturday, November 22, 2008

Suggested reading for Talk 3

We suggest the follow reading to further the topic of formation in human virtues:

  • Card. Newman, St. Paul's characteristic gift
  • Card. Newman, On Liberal Education
    The first text is a sermon in which Newman describes St. Paul's holiness as an enhancement of his human gifts through the action of divine grace. The second text is part of the book 'Idea of a University'. It explains the importance of education beyond professional usefulness. The formation of the person as a father, mother, friend, spouse, neighbor, is what is really at stake.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

St. John Community Preparation Talk 3 - Human virtue the foundation for Christian life

This talk is a commentary on the third Maxim of the Saint John Society spirituality: "Since grace is founded upon nature, we cultivate human virtue, especially those of responsibility, good demeanor, generosity, effective time management and good character". Given by Fr. Lucas Laborde on November 8, 2008.

Follow the link in the title to listen to the talk. Your comments are appreciated.