Monday, December 15, 2008
St. John Community Preparation Talk 4 - The law of the maximum
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Suggested reading for Talk 3
We suggest the follow reading to further the topic of formation in human virtues:
- Card. Newman, St. Paul's characteristic gift
- Card. Newman, On Liberal Education
The first text is a sermon in which Newman describes St. Paul's holiness as an enhancement of his human gifts through the action of divine grace. The second text is part of the book 'Idea of a University'. It explains the importance of education beyond professional usefulness. The formation of the person as a father, mother, friend, spouse, neighbor, is what is really at stake.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
St. John Community Preparation Talk 3 - Human virtue the foundation for Christian life
This talk is a commentary on the third Maxim of the Saint John Society spirituality: "Since grace is founded upon nature, we cultivate human virtue, especially those of responsibility, good demeanor, generosity, effective time management and good character". Given by Fr. Lucas Laborde on November 8, 2008.
Follow the link in the title to listen to the talk. Your comments are appreciated.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Suggested reading for Talk 2
- Card. Newman, The invisible world.
- Tanquerey, How we can transform our actions into prayers.
- St. Francis de Sales, About prayer and meditation.
Cardinal Newman's sermon on the invisible world raises our awareness of the invisible realities: God's presence, the power of the sacraments, of prayer, of divine grace... Only a faith-filled view can discover the true significance of all these. Tanquerey's text is a brief explanation of the different means of prayer that we can utilize to be united to Christ throughout the day. St. Francis de Sales gives very helpful guidelines for the morning meditation.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Saint John Community Preparation Talk 2 - Prayer Life
Here is the second preparation talk for the Saint John Community, given by Deacon Ignacio Llorente. It explains the second maxim of the St. John Society spirituality on the means
You can follow the link in the title of this post and click on the play button of the audio player in the upper right corner, or click on the link under the audio player of your choice (Windows Media, etc.)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Suggested reading for Talk 1
Card. Newman's sermon is excellent to reflect on the difference between a moral system and Christianity. 'Desire for perfection' shows why this desire is so important in order to accomplish the fulness of Christian life. I would much appreciate your questions and comments on these texts.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saint John Community Formation Talk 1 -- For Christ, With Christ, Like Christ
Click on the title of this post to find the audio files. This talk was re-recorded on November 21, 2009.